Well, that definitely doesn’t seem to be the case with the mythical Commodore 64, which is still up and running in a US bakery shop. If you’re not aware, the Commodore 64 is the highest ...
The systems referenced range from the BBC Micro and Commodore 64 to the NES and Apple II, with some of these versions based on the officially released source code. For other systems the available ...
Legacy machines run more of the world than you might think. Did you know that two Commodore C64s are still in daily use at the Hilligoss Bakery of Brownsburg, Indiana? One user recently posted ...
Case in point: a bakery in Indiana has been photographed processing sales using a Commodore 64. This isn't the first time a 21st-century business has been spotted using the top-selling 1982 PC ...
TL;DR: Hilligoss Bakery in Indiana still uses two Commodore 64 systems as cash registers, over 42 years after their launch. Originally released in 1982, the Commodore 64 remains the highest ...