This is a simple app to test the creation of Ethereum attestations verifying that a user has begun work on a Quest Chain & then further that they have succesfully completed a quest within the chain.
Created a project with expo init (Expo CLI version 5.0.3). Ran expo install expo-dev-client, which installed version 0.8.0. Ran expo install expo-updates, which installed version 0.11.3. Ran eas build ...
Using EAS, the course instructor can set submission deadlines as well as schedule lab tests and lab exams per course section. Lab tests and lab exams can be performed by the student using lab ...
Q ) What are the specifications of the music system? A ) The specification of music system of PMV EaS E include Radio, Bluetooth Connectivity,. Q ) What is the kerb weight of the PMV EaS E?
The FCC investigated the matter and found that ESPN “willfully and repeatedly violated” certain federal rules regarding the use of EAS tones, which are limited to actual emergencies and test ...
The Emergency Alert System will test its communications systems Tuesday morning to prepare for tornado season.