by Rachel Metz2018.03.02 あなたはフェイスブックを信頼して子どもに与えられますか? そんな質問が、世界最大のソーシャル・ネットワークが初めて出す子ども向けアプリ「メッセンジャー・キッズ(Messenger Kids)」のリリースによって保護者につきつけられて ...
Messenger Kids is built on the standard Messenger app, and Facebook made several changes to make it kid-friendly. Messenger Kids is available for iPhone and Android phones. Before setting up ...
If Meta is serious about making Facebook safer for kids, they need to implement real safeguards, not rely on a ‘Confirm’ button that may or may not be backed by effective enforcement.
Cymone King-Roberson was reportedly on a Facebook Live Feb ... cannot escape. “My kids say, ‘Mom, why did she do that?’ I can’t say nothing to the kids, except the children are in a ...
The bill, which was filed Wednesday, would prohibit children under the age of 14 from creating social media accounts. It ...
"It would make sense for kids under 16 to not be able to have social media so that they can focus on their crucial aspects of development, which would be social development, emotional regulation ...