Three years after the events of Final Fantasy XIII, Serah takes the lead and teams up with Noel Kreiss, a young man from the distant future, to travel across time and space to find Lightning.
Final Fantasy has had a history of male leads, so it's time for a female protagonist like Terra or Lightning. Featuring a woman as the lead in Final Fantasy 17 would cater to diverse player ...
FFXIII sales are officially fast as Lightning. With Final Fantasy XIII officially available on retail shelves in Japan yesterday, the game's selling potential has snapped clearly into focus.
Final Fantasy 13 stands the test of time. When it was first released back in 2009 after years of stunning trailers and gradual drips of news, the JRPG arrived with a relative whimper and to ...
Few series feature so many iconic villains as Final Fantasy; fewer still can boast of a villain that has endured for decades, with a fashion sense that continues to turn heads. Surprising in the sense ...