By implementing an ecological focus area, a contribution is made to biodiversity, environmental quality or climate quality. Farmers with over 15 hectares of farmland are required to use 5 percent of ...
The focus areas of Utrecht University serve as a bridge between fundamental research and a social mission. Within the following focus areas, data science and artificial intelligence play integral ...
Therefore, Utrecht Universiy’s programmes are more and more interdisciplinary, flexible and connected to society. Focus area HER connects all research on higher education being done at UU. By ...
What are Focus Areas of Statewide Ecological Significance? Beginning with Habitat (BwH) Focus Areas of Statewide Ecological Significance are areas to prioritize collaborative, non-regulatory ...
A focus area is a starting point for your academic exploration. These distinct collections of programs and courses allow you to investigate your interests in order to guide you to the major that ...
At Cal State LA, we cover the breadth of Civil Engineering while focusing on the following six focus areas. It is essential to sustain our natural environment while creating our built environment. The ...
At the time of application, PhD students choose from eight focus areas to help guide their selection of courses. While there are no formal requirements specific to each of these areas in addition to ...
MS Focus Areas are designed to give students the freedom to explore different aspects of mechanical engineering, with the option to switch between them throughout the program without a formal ...