Summary: The Aero Spacelines Guppy, an oddly-shaped cargo plane, played a crucial role in the Space Race by transporting rocket parts across the United States, significantly reducing shipment times.
An curved arrow pointing right. Big rockets require a big mode of transportation, which is why NASA has the "Super Guppy." It's a massively large cargo plane designed to carry other planes ...
With some models rated in excess of 5,000 horsepower, the T56 has powered several other large military and commercial aircraft, such as the Lockheed P-3, Convair 580, Grumman C-2 and E-2, and ...
We've seen in our simulations that the more brightly colored a male guppy is, the more likely he will be seen -- and eaten -- by a predator. In a simulation or in the wild, where predators are ...