H&Mは、LINEが運営するショッピングサービス「LINEショッピング」での展開を新たに開始する。 同社はこれまで、オンラインでのショッピングチャネル提供を公式サイトに限定していたが、よりH&Mのショッピング体験を身近なものとするため導入を決定して ...
Making online purchases using your mobile device is such a convenient way to shop. It’s even easier with H&M’s shopping app! I have one on my phone and this is where I get updates on the good ...
An H&M spokesperson told the BBC the move was introduced in the summer. Online shopping rose strongly during the pandemic, but this has also meant a big increase in the number of items being sent ...
Fashion giant H&M has said it will not charge shoppers who return online purchases in store. On Tuesday, the BBC reported that customers face a £1.99 fee to return parcels in store or online ...
Australian shoppers are able to buy online at major fashion retailer H&M for the first time. The Swedish company has opened its first online store in the country, more than six years after arriving.