安定した造形精度と高い技術力で業界を席巻する3Dプリンタメーカー「Bambu Lab」とAPPLE TREE株式会社は、このたび日本正規代理店契約を締結しました。 APPLE ...
Most 3D printers come with a pretty basic filament holder — often little more than a bar to hang the spool on. [Ivan Miranda]’s 3D printers run bigger spools than most, though, so he had to ...
The basic process is simple: tightly wind some 3D printer filament around a steel rod, secure it and wrap it in kapton tape, then heat it up. After cooling, one is left with a reasonably ...
PETFusion 2.0 is both a PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottle recycler and a custom 3D printing filament maker, with the ability to even apply your own ink/pigments to the filaments you make ...