Sweetened beverages “are not recommended as part of a healthy diet for children and adolescents,” the panel concludes.
Got milk? It turns out, plain cow's milk, water and a bit of veggie juice are still the best drink choices for kids and teens. That's the consensus of experts who recently issued healthy beverage ...
No-no's: What gets the big "not recommended" stamp in the report—drinks with caffeine or similar stimulants, such as those found in energy drinks; sugar (think energy drinks, sports drinks, and soda); ...
Almonds are rich in antioxidants that help improve memory power in kids. Tap to read the 5 delicious and nutritious ...
New healthy beverage guidelines from experts address questions and concerns to promote healthier choices for children and ...
It turns out, plain cow’s milk, water and a bit of veggie juice are still the best drink choices for kids and teens. That's the consensus of experts who recently issued healthy beverage ...