Weeds’ resistance to herbicides isn’t a unique phenomenon. Pesticide resistance is a worldwide problem not confined to any single pest category. 1908: First report of insects resistant to insecticides ...
Teagasc has just published an overview of the herbicide resistance status of grass weed populations within tillage systems ...
These transporters have several known substrates, and this raises the possibility that they may be involved in translocating different herbicides. An additional question that naturally arises is what ...
Herbicide resistance occurs when a weed survives a rate of herbicide that would normally kill it. The surviving plant then passes the genetic advantage on to its offspring. With repeated selection, ...
You will be redirected to our submission process. Herbicides are considered to be among the most widely used pesticides. However, over-reliance on them and absence of any preventive or other cultural ...
Grain sorghum is widely grown in arid environments as an animal feed grain, but weedy grass control in the crop is a big challenge due to limited post-emergent herbicide options. A joint effort ...
Plants not controlled by herbicides before any selection pressure or genetic manipulation would be considered naturally tolerant but not herbicide resistant. Resistant weeds usually are selected from ...
In UK cereals, ALS-inhibiting herbicides, such as the sulfonylureas (e.g. metsulfuron) and triazolopyrimidines (e.g. florasulam), are fundamental to most broad-leaved weed control strategies. However, ...
Repeated use of the same herbicide ultimately selects for herbicide-resistant biotypes in a weed population ... “Hundreds of thousands of seeds can be produced by every female waterhemp plant that ...
They’ve been particularly vocal about wanting chemistries that include a Group 15 active ingredient to combat herbicide-resistant weeds. “As a preemergence herbicide, Kyber is an ideal addition to a ...
Research appearing in the journal Weed Science shows promise for controlling herbicide-resistant weeds in soybean fields by ...