コスパの高さやスマホとの親和性の高さで人気のiFi Audioから「hip-dac」という新製品が発表になった。 hip-dacは、iFi史上最少という小型サイズ。
世界に先駆けて初公開、バランス駆動対応ポタアン「hip-dac」 小型でハイコスパ、高音質な製品で常に我々を驚かせくれるiFi-Audioから、DAC内蔵の ...
But what you probably won't know until now is that iFi has today announced the arrival two new products: the Zen DAC 3 and Zen Phono 3. Not to be confused with the excellent iFi hip-dac 3 (which ...
Borrowing design concepts from TEAC’s top-of-the-line 700 Series, the standout feature of the UD-507 is TEAC’s new proprietary "TRDD5" (TEAC Reference Discrete DAC) designed... At $199, iFi improves ...