Interactive Fiction is a mode of storytelling where creators use online tools and lightweight game engines to parse text on screen in a creative way. They also contain an element of player choice.
Real IF is text based only. My take is that graphical adventures are to text adventures what movies are to novels. They are neither a better nor worse medium--just different. They are both interactive ...
Interactive Fiction is the overall term for all kinds of text-based adventure games, one the earliest forms of video games ... IDE-based programming languages with simple syntax. Today, I only discuss ...
Jumbo Grove is a tool for writing hypertext interactive fiction. Hypertext means text with links. Interactive fiction is a medium for storytelling that crosses over ...
This is the software that runs the Interactive Fiction Competition, a.k.a. the IFComp, an annual celebration of independently authored, text-based video games that began in 1995. The organization of ...