In the 19th century, Japan opened its doors. The "Kimono Dress"—emblematic of a broader clothing revolution—sheds light on Japan's forward-looking strategy as it joined the global community.
Some 4,600 new adults dressed in flashy kimonos and other attire attended a coming-of-age ceremony here on Jan. 12, one day ...
Kimono stylist Kara Harris blends traditional techniques with creative designs, making kimono styling inclusive and ...
株式会社瀬戸内ミライデザイン(本社:広島県広島市、代表取締役 野田 夏梨)は、運営するエシカルファッションブランド「Re:ADY B」より、廃棄寸前の着物をアップサイクルしたセミオーダースーツ「KIMONO ...
Women dressed in kimono visited three temples in Hida, Gifu Prefecture, for the Santera Mairi Festival on Wednesday night.
The kimono, which means ‘thing to wear’ in Japanese, can be traced back to Japan's Heian period, over 1,000 years ago, and its status has changed a lot over time. As the national dress of ...
KYOTO--Alarmed at decreasing opportunities to wear kimono in modern Japan, dyers specializing in ... attention to a market steeped in traditional dress: India. The Kyo-yuzen dyers are using ...
at the heart of a fashion culture that has thrived in Japan since the 1660s. The exhibition reveals how kimono fashion has been translated across cultural and geographic boundaries and has had a major ...
A silk kimono dress created by Tom Ford is also featured ... and Kenichi Nakamura’s “The Inland Sea of Japan” (1935), which shows women resting at a beachside terrace, and a handbag with ...
the nobility drew up a set of rules for the color combinations of the layers of silk kimono that were worn by women and men in the imperial court. Presented in “layer color combination” charts called ...