scenarios that are probably not going to happen here or now, but will always be nagging at us just because we have kids — things like disasters ... it may be a physical manifestation of her anxiety.
"The system is broken and incredibly unfair." Graham, also from West Yorkshire, said he had been paying less than £100 a ...
As you probably know from personal experience, anxiety can be a lot of things — a cause of insomnia, a roadblock to living your best life or a demon you have to fight off if you want to ...
Sedative, hypnotic and antianxiety medications are used to treat a variety of conditions, including sleep and anxiety disorders. According to Harvard Health, consistent use of these drugs can lead ...
As some of you will have children or grand-children facing a new school year - anxiety for kids can be a big deal. Below are some of my thoughts on that.I am a diagnosed social-phobe. I find ...
Gloria L. Huang wrote her debut middle-grade novel 'Kaya of the Ocean' to honor kids with anxiety. These shows and movies do the same Gloria is a novelist and short story writer. She studied ...