Kiwi vines thrive with balanced nutrition, but avoid over-fertilization, which can stress the vine and lower fruit quality. A ...
Dang Phuc Nguyen, general secretary of the Vietnam Fruits & Vegetables Association, said China has acquired kiwi varieties from other countries and breeds them with low labor costs. Vietnam’s ...
For aspiring kiwi fruit growers, the Royal Horticultural Society states: "Varieties [of kiwi fruit] are either female, male or self-fertile. Most of the widely available varieties are self-fertile ...
They also contain potassium, and interestingly enough, golden kiwi varieties (like SunGold) have even higher levels of this mineral, with 255 grams potassium per golden kiwi. Kiwis are healthy and ...
New Zealand is the world's largest kiwi exporter, shipping out over $1 ... which has overtaken green varieties as the most popular kind. We visited New Zealand to see how it grows, picks, ships ...
Zhuang Qiguo, the Chinese director of the China-New Zealand Belt and Road Joint Laboratory on Kiwifruit, conducts an experiment to evaluate the resistance of kiwifruit varieties to certain diseases.