Following is a transcript of the video. Narrator: This is wagyu beef, one of the most expensive meats in the world. Produced in Japan and prized for its rich marbling and buttery taste, high-grade ...
If you love meat, you've undoubtedly heard of Kobe and Wagyu beef, often considered the gold standard for taste and marbling. But what exactly sets these two types of beef apart, especially in ...
元町駅より徒歩3分の商店街に店を構える「KOBE BEEF RED ONE」は、季節野菜を添えた味わい深い神戸牛のステーキを楽しめるレストラン。世界最高の基準をクリアした上質な神戸牛を、濃厚なうまみと豊かな香りが際立つミディアムレアで体験してみて。