Herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP), also referred to as a herniated disc, is a common spine pathology that occurs approximately 95% of the time at the L4-L5 or L5-S1 level (Fisher et al., 2004; Asch ...
MRI at 1.5 T of the lumbar spine revealed a large L4–L5 disc extrusion producing ... A intervertebral disc herniation will usually improve spontaneously over a period of months. A majority of patients ...
lineone.net Mixter and Barr in 1934 first described the herniated disc to be a cause of segmental ... acute low back pain alone are therefore unlikely to have a disc prolapse. Lumbar intervertebral ...
Summary The L5-S1 is also called the lumbosacral joint. It is the part of the spine where the lumbar spine ends and the ...
Treatment for a herniated disc may be similar to a bulging disc, depending on the cause and severity of any symptoms. Along ...