Paper-thin optical lenses simple enough to mass produce like microchips could ... flat lenses called Fresnel zone plates (FZPs), but did so for the first time using only common semiconductor ...
Paper-thin optical lenses simple enough to mass produce like ... zone plates (FZPs), but did so for the first time using only common semiconductor manufacturing equipment, the i-line stepper ...
Changing the focal length of a camera by adjusting the physical zoom lens. All zoom lenses in film cameras and digital single lens reflex (DSLR) cameras are optical zoom. Digital point-and-shoot ...
Optical science advances non-destructive testing (NDT) through technologies like laser ultrasonics, shearography, and optical ...
(Nanowerk News) Paper-thin optical lenses simple enough to mass produce like microchips ... lenses called Fresnel zone plates (FZPs), but did so for the first time using only common semiconductor ...