Twenty-four lymph nodes were removed from the left side of ... anywhere - even on your scalp. The skin is our biggest organ - please look after it. Wear a hat, slather on that factor 50, stay ...
It's important to note that if you have swollen lymph nodes, it's unlikely you have Hodgkin lymphoma. A common cold, ear infection, tonsillitis, scalp infection, or mouth ulcers can all cause a ...
I'm just going to check your lymph nodes. Sometimes there's a sign of fungal ... about 20% of the time the flaking of the scalp is not seborrhea but is actually tinea capitis.
The patient had only noticed the scalp lesion a month prior to presentation. Chest X-ray revealed a 5.8×5.0 cm left infrahilar mass. CT angiography demonstrated extensive metastatic mediastinal and ...