精製糖の代わりに純粋なメープルシロップ大さじ2杯を摂取すると、ヒトの心臓代謝リスク因子がいくつか減少することが、初のプラセボ対照臨床試験で明らかになった。 研究は、ケベック市近郊の18~75歳で健康でBMIが23~40のボランティア42名を対象に実施 ...
It is expensive because of the low yield from the sap (40 gallons of sap are needed for one gallon of syrup!) but the cheaper imitations labelled ‘maple-flavoured syrup’ made from a mixture of ...
Fold in the walnuts. Place the buttermilk and maple syrup into a separate bowl and mix well. Add the buttermilk and maple syrup mixture to the dry mixture and mix well to make a dough. Roll the ...
It will take roughly 50 gallons of these drops to make one 1 gallon of 100% pure Grade A maple syrup. Farms in the Hudson Valley, New York State, can sell that gallon for over $200, almost 29 ...