Cost: Up to €8 million each. News of the planned purchase of armoured vehicles for the Army comes just weeks after the Government announced a €91 million helicopter scheme for the Air Corps.
The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has unveiled 623 state-of-the-art armoured fighting vehicles as the British Army looks to bolster its firepower amidst rising global tensions. The Boxer armoured ...
The Army sergeant, who did not want to be named, said the vehicles ... are now being sold for less than £10,000 each. The MoD is also selling off its fleet of 85 Warthog armoured vehicles first ...
IT’S the end of the road for the iconic British Army Land Rover. The 4×4 vehicle is set to be replaced as the UK government ...
Thales is entering its extra-aim (XTraim) day/night assault rifle sight for possible procurement by the British Army, the ...
Nigerian manufacturer Proforce Defence recently won a contract with the Nigerian Army to sell it a batch of five Hulk armoured vehicles, the latest model in its range. This mine-resistant armoured ...
Over 700 army vehicles have been loaded onto cargo ships ready to sail to Romania for a Nato exercise. The armoured vehicles, fuel tankers and forklift trucks were loaded up at Marchwood ...