米Microsoft傘下のMojangは9月19日、サンドボックスゲーム「Minecraft(マインクラフト)」のベッドロック版v1.20.30をリリースした。「レシピのロック ...
「Minecraft」は Mojang Synergies AB の商標です。 当サイトは Minecraft 公式製品ではありません。Mojang から承認されておらず、Mojang とは関係ありません。 攻略大百科はゲームをはじめとして、エンタメ・ライフスタイルに役立つ攻略情報をお届けする情報サイト ...
Compass is a tool in Minecraft that helps players navigate through the vast in-game world. There are three different types of compass, which point towards three different locations and have different ...
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. Builds the app for production to the build folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
It places the files into $minecraft-dir/recipes (usually AppData/.minecraft/recipes). You can now easily use these generated recipe images on your own mods' wiki ...
Minecraft has rung in the new year with a slew of test features that introduce new pig variations, a less cumbersome Lodestone crafting recipe, and atmospheric leaves to make biomes more immersive.
In Minecraft, you will mine a lot of areas to find valuable resources. Earth minerals like gold, redstone, diamonds, and ancient debris all generate underground in the Overworld and Nether, forcing ...