"Halloween Ends" is the 13th movie in the iconic "Halloween" series. While the new film is being marketed as the end of the franchise, Peacock notes that "Michael Myers never dies." How to watch ...
Halloween is a CLASSIC horror movie - the granddaddy of the slasher genre. It introduced to the world the iconic Michael ...
Nearly every "Halloween" movie features a battle between killer Michael Myers and former babysitter ... "Halloween" franchise before seeing the new movie, you're in luck. All 12 previous films ...
The official Iron Studios Instagram account unveiled a new Michael Myers figure based on the killers ... Domestically, the highest-grossing Halloween movie is 2018s Halloween, which hauled in ...
Six years ago, Michael Myers terrorized the town of Haddonfield, Illinois. He and his niece, Jamie Lloyd, have disappeared. Jamie was kidnapped by a bunch of evil druids who protect Michael Myers.