OM-D E-M5 Mark II + M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 75mm F1.8 1/320秒 F1.8 ISO-800 こちらの写真のみ、本館4Fオリンパスコーナーにてプリント展示しております。 ご興味ある方は、ぜひ生でも写真をご覧にいらして下さい。 E-M1 Mark II発売日前に撮影した写真のため、 OM-D E-M5 Mark IIで ...
Introduction It’s been over four years since Olympus and Panasonic jointly announced their Hybrid Mirrorless Camera venture in 2008 and the Micro Four Thirds lens mount was born. Since then the ...
Introduction As with the firm’s 75mm and 12 mm primes, this new high-speed 17mm f1.8 (35mm equivalent) for MFT cameras features a sturdy metal outer and a promising sounding high-grade optical design.