米コンサルティング会社のフロスト&サリバンがこのほど開催されたオープンソース関連のイベント「openGauss Summit2024」で発表した最新の報告書によると、2024年に中国ではオフライン集中式リレーショナル型データベースの市場シェアが増加し ...
PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 35 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and ...
は、同社の開発するオープンソースの TypeScript 製サーバーレスアプリ開発ツール Skeet と サーバーレス Postgres データベースを提供する Neon ...
Popular Relational Database Management Systems SQL syntax may differ slightly depending on which RDBMS you are using. Here is a brief description of popular RDBMSs: SQLite : SQLite is a popular open ...
Apache Cassandra - Open Source distributed wide column store, NoSQL database. Apache Druid - A high performance real-time analytics database. Apache HBase - Open Source non-relational distributed ...
For example, if you want to use SQL to query your data, you can use an open-source relational database like PostgreSQL or MySQL, or a SQL-compatible database like Apache Hive or Presto.
software that extends Postgres with enterprise-grade security and performance capabilities. The open-source Postgres relational database itself is a successor to the Ingres database originally ...
We are going to explore the definitions, the challenges, and the architecture of the Big Data in this module. Although relational database software has been in use for decades, relational database ...