A large variety of airway clearance devices are commercially available, the two most recent being the Quake® and the Lung Flute®. The Quake is a pipe-shaped oscillatory PEP device that bears ...
Rationale OPEP devices are often used therapeutically in order to aid airway clearance where excess mucus is a challenge, such as in bronchiectasis, CF and COPD. Ease of use, ability to clean and ...
In positive expiratory pressure (PEP), a person breathes through a mask or a handheld mouthpiece. PEP devices allow air to flow freely as you breathe in, but not when you breathe out. You must breathe ...
Acoustic impedence devices Lung Flute® This device utilizes vigorous exhalations into a mouthpiece to generate an oscillatory PEP of 2–2.5 cm H 2 O that induces vibrations of the airways at a ...