One of the things that quantitative researchers are most interested in (even if we are not always willing to admit it) is causality. What causes a phenomenon and how can we study this? This course ...
This basic course will cover general themes relevant for all quantitative research, but with an emphasis on issues related to robustness and quality. A core theme will be how we can identify effects ...
The Advanced Quantitative Methods (AQM) pathway is designed to foster research that pushes the boundaries of quantitative methodologies in the social sciences. AQM is fundamentally about ...
The purpose of the Graduate Certificate in Quantitative Methods is fourfold: (a) to strengthen interdepartmental links and communication among social and human science departments at CU Boulder, both ...
Correspondence to Dr Sarah Alderson, Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK; s.l.alderson{at} There are many challenges in the development, ...
It is common to undertake qualitative research alongside randomised controlled trials (RCTs) when evaluating complex interventions. Researchers tend to analyse these datasets one by one and then ...
This course is available to MPhil/PhD students from across the LSE who are undertaking projects using quantitative methods. MY560 is not a traditional course but instead a series of one-off workshops.