大容量メモリー搭載は、Raspberry Pi 4から3倍に向上した処理性能を活かし、大規模言語モデルや流体力学シミュレーションなどの新たな用途に対応することが狙い。また、Ubuntuなどの高機能なOSでの利用も視野に入れているという。
2019 official latest Raspberry Pi 4 model B, it adopt 1.5GHz 64-bit quad-core CPU and Broadcom BCM2711. It is equipped with 2GB/4GB/8GB RAM, USB 3.0 port, 40 GPIO pins, Micro HDMI port, CSI camera ...
Raspberry Pi 4B (I havn't tested with the other models) Docker installed on your Raspberry Pi Git installed on your Raspberry Pi PWM-compatible fan connected to GPIO 14 (or as specified in the ...
We’ve asked the question a couple of times, can the newest Raspberry Pi 4B be used as a daily-driver desktop, and answered that in the affirmative, certainly in terms of it having adequate ...
When the Raspberry Pi 4 was released, many looked at the dual micro HDMI ports with disdain. Why would an SBC like the Raspberry Pi need two HDMI ports? The answer was that the Pi 4 is finally ...
A Raspberry Pi 5 4GB was boosted to 8GB RAM via a hardware swap by MadEDoctor on YouTube. Upgrading RAM requires skillful soldering, but it's possible and improves performance. Other mods include ...