(Compact Disc-Read Only Memory) A type of CD disc that can only be read, but not recorded. Used to store programs and data files, a CD-ROM holds 650MB or 700MB of data and employs a different ...
Abstract concept. The CD DVD spins on a black background. Rainbow. Green neon color. 3D animation. Using CD circle disk close-up. Old dvd player, disc drive top... Using CD circle disk close-up. Old ...
ベンキュージャパン(株)は19日、シリアルATA接続の内蔵型Blu-ray Discドライブ『BenQ BW1000』を12月下旬に発売すると発表した。ウェブ限定モデルとし ...
CD-R - meaning CD-Recordable, the user can write data to the CD once or fill it over time using multi-session (writing to the same disc ... suitable drive. CD/DVD drives are able to: read all ...