Open source RGB lighting control that doesn't depend on manufacturer software. Supports Windows, Linux, MacOS. Mirror of https ...
A gaming room with awesome accent lighting is the dream for many players, yet high-quality RGB controllers can still be tough to track down. Every year there seem to be more LED gaming controllers ...
We covered SparkFun’s new RGB button pad controller a few weeks ago. This is a full-color clone of the monome interface; a 4×4 grid of buttons with tri-color LEDs underneath. Each LED has ...
PowerA bringt einen günstigen Pro-Controller für die Nintendo Switch auf den Markt, der mit einem ultra-schicken RBG-Sternenhimmel erscheint.
Wenn Sie ein PC-Enthusiast sind, der es liebt, Ihr Rig mit farbenfrohen und dynamischen Lichteffekten anzupassen, fragen Sie sich vielleicht, wie Sie RGB-Streifen und Controller optimal nutzen ...
[Stan] built this LED matrix using a 16×16 grid of RGB LEDs. He built the hardware and wrote some subroutines to randomize the colors. He’s not using PWM because frame buffering is not feasible ...