このような微光星の緑色を抑制するには、ベイヤー配列での一次処理(ホット/クールピクセル補正とダーク・フラット補正)を終えた後、ベイヤー RGB 変換を行なう前の段階で、ベイヤー配列画像のトーンカーブを調整する方法が有効です。 前述の通り ...
You may remember [michu] from his StripInvaders and PixelInvaders projects, basically a few RGB LED modules that can communicate with an Arduino over an SPI interface. With these huge letters ...
Neural RGB→D Sensor estimates per-pixel depth and its uncertainty continuously from a monocular video stream, with the goal of effectively turning an RGB camera ...
It may look like a standard six-pin RGB LED but it actually contains both ... out from our short look at the hardware is how each pixel is addressed. We think the color value cascades down the ...
The microscopic version of Snake is the work of software developer Patrick Gillespie, who demonstrated the amazing feat on his YouTube channel.