Root cuttings need reasonable compost, a moderate but steady temperature, space and a little patience. But, unlike stem or leaf cuttings, root cuttings develop underground so you can't see what's ...
To root plant cuttings using hydrogen peroxide, there are a couple of effective methods. The first method involves dipping the end of the plant cutting directly into the chemical compound.
Our guide looks at a great selection of vegetables to grow from different types of cuttings. Not only can you take stem and root cuttings, but you can also sprout vegetable plants from kitchen scraps.
Dip the bottom of each cutting into hormone rooting powder and insert three cuttings, 2.5cm (1in) deep, into a pot. Put cuttings in a propagator or put a clear plastic bag over the pot and secure ...
86, No. 2, Oct., 1928 Effect of Peat Moss and Sand on Rooting ... 1. According to their rooting response in peat moss and in sand, 96 varieties of cuttings (including 46 genera) have been classified ...