77年のOW35から'81年のOW53まで5年間、6代にわたり並列4気筒・ピストンバルブエンジンでの熟成を重ねてきた『YZR500』は、'81年のOW54、'82年のOW60と2代のロータリーディスクバルブ吸気・スクエア型4気筒エンジンを経て'82年の第2戦・オーストリアGPから2 ...
Here's the process of making this rotary valve engine with a different intake and an exhaust system. It wasn't easy to start this engine and took some time to fully complete it.
ROTARY VALVE BRV-50 N PORT SIZE-500x220 The BRV-N rotary valves air-locks series are designed as a out feeding unit from filter ba.... ROTARY VALVE BRV-50 N PORT SIZE-500x220 The BRV-N rotary valves ...
Helfer, W. - Emerson, Marshalltown, Iowa Wade Helfer is the Rotary Technologist at Emerson Automation Solutions for its Fisher rotary valves, and is responsible for developing and evaluating new ...