Though there was a decade between the release of SimCity 4 and this newest version, there were a lot of very critical reviews when it first came out. Despite having a lot of cool new elements, the ...
It's pretty safe to say that many of today's younger urban planners have a soft spot for the SimCity franchise. I wrote fondly of my time spent playing the game as a kid when the latest version of the ...
UP_A = {"h 10 00 90 E5 1E FF 2F E1 1E FF 2F E1 1C 30 9F E5 10 40 2D E9 03 30 8F E0 08 30 83 E2 00 40 A0 E1"} UP_C = {"h D8 00 40 E2 D6 FD FF EA 10 40 2D E9 00 40 A0 E1 D3 FD FF EB 04 00 A0 E1 8E 60 2A ...
The home version of the game—made available on the ... and it helped establish one of gaming’s most enduring franchises.” ...
Ever wondered how a real city planner would play SimCity? Join us as we revisit SimCity 2000 with a professional planner’s eye, looking at realistic city challenges like zoning, traffic, budgets, and ...
A group of passionate residents in Fingal have submitted an open letter to the company behind the hit video game series SimCity proposing a "virtual town twinning", which they believe would be a ...