Samsung has just unveiled its new The Frame Pro TV, which finally adds the company's Neo QLED mini-LED tech to The Frame range that previously relied on edge-lit QLED displays. Not only that, but The ...
We’re finally getting a glimpse into what TV brands have in store for the best TVs of 2025. As I take stock of the news to ...
We have seen battery-powered TVs at CES that lower clutter of wires but the trendsetter for the year are wireless ...
There are two main upgrades that put the “pro” in The Frame Pro. First, Samsung is moving to Mini LED, which the company says ...
Now the company is bringing that Zero Connect Box, which beams audio and video to the TV panel, to one model of its still-terribly-named QNED Evo Mini LED lineup. The box can transmit 4K video at ...
Samsung introduces the Frame Pro, boasting Mini LED technology and a Wireless Connect Box for a seamless, cable-free setup.
Not only that, but The Frame Pro also adds a Wireless ... just about the small highlights, though – the fullscreen brightness is massively better, which means things like TV and sports are ...