スミソニアン天文台星表 [1] (てんもんだいせいひょう Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star Catalog [1] [2] )は星表の一つ。SAOと略されることが多く、一般的にSAO星表 [2] と呼ばれている。 同観測所が1966年に発表しており、258,997個の恒星についての精密な特徴が ...
Art Inventories Catalog, Smithsonian American Art Museum Mrs. Elisha Bostwick (Betty Ferriss) (1768-1834), (painting) Art Inventories Catalog, Smithsonian American Art Museum Mrs. Fry, (painting) Art ...
Amid many internet lists of strange Smithsonian catalog items—taxidermied animals, beards, and other miscellanea—nothing seems more incongruous than the 2014 inclusion of a 1982 Atari video ...
a trade catalog in the Smithsonian Libraries and Archives collections, provides a glimpse of the supplies and equipment that library staff might have used to complete their everyday tasks in 1899.
The material in this tour is mostly based on a published source: the 1974 book Wheels and Wheeling: The Smithsonian Cycle Collection. That book was credited to Smith Hempstone Oliver and Don Berkebile ...
(National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian. Note: Objects and catalog cards in these photo composites are not to scale.) The National Museum of the American Indian has taken a major step ...
The catalog is managed by astronomers at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, and includes information about the remnants’ shapes and X-ray spectra, along with corresponding radio ...