But only recently did we break down and spring for prescription sunglasses ... ve still got your last set of glasses on hand hack up the lenses for swimming goggles or other applications.
Designed for all swimmers, these goggles are lightweight and streamlined for racers, feature polarised mirrored lenses for outdoor swimming, and come with interchangeable nose bridges to ensure a ...
Most prescription goggles have diopter strengths in the range of +8 ... how do you maintain that out-of-the-box performance? Fogging and scratched lenses can ruin a swim, so clearly you need to look ...
One tester said the goggles needed “more flesh around the eyes to work.” We liked the wider-fitting lenses on the Xterra Velocity Smoke Swim Goggles, which are designed in a style not unlike ...
Think that swimming goggles are all the same ... Huub offer a pair (the Altair) with pop-out lenses that can be changed depending on the prescription. These also come with various tints, meaning you ...
For such a small bit of kit, goggles can have a big impact on your swimming experience. From gaskets that are either letting half the pool in, or pressing so hard on your eye sockets you end up ...
She was a swimming instructor and swam with daily disposable soft contact lenses and swimming goggles. The initial diagnosis was herpetic keratitis. Topical and systemic antibiotics and aciclovir were ...