So, I’ve put together this guide to common text message abbreviations and emojis and their meanings for you. Now, not only will you know what your kids are trying to say to you, you can ...
Analysis revealed that people who used texting abbreviations such as 'FWIW' – instead of spelling out 'for what it's worth' – were perceived as more insincere. They were also les likely to ...
Cutting words short might be common, but doing so too freely may make conversation partners less likely to reply, says new research.
This guide will explain what “TB” means in text and how it’s used in text conversations on platforms like Instagram and ...
One such abbreviation you might come across is “IGH.” This guide will explain what “IGH” means in text and how it’s used in ...
A new study finds people who use text abbreviations are less likely to get replies because their messages seem hollow or less important. If you need a response to your text message ASAP, you may want ...