Cards take 3-5 business days to arrive, while thank you memes arrive instantly. Which is better? We’ll let you be the judge. Regardless, these funny thank you memes are appropriate for every occasion.
These funny baby photos will make you laugh out loud too. When someone does something really great for you, you need to go ...
The office memes capture the essence of work life perfectly. And the salary you receive for all your troubles vanishes before you can finish saying salary. So, what can anyone do about it? Nothing at ...
Like, come on now. Because sometimes, it feels like you need to go to space to get your favorite red stapler back. These Office Space memes capture the relatable hilarity of office life ...
You know what they say about karma, it is something that rhymes with ‘stitch.’ And sometimes, no matter how much you try, you just can’t run away from your problems! It seems this man didn’t take the ...