The Khan family then went to Jamnagar, Gujarat to celebrate Salman's birthday at Vantara. A clip has gone viral where Salman was seen cutting a giant 4-tiered cake with Ayat, while his mom, Salma Khan ...
Penny Lancaster threw a surprise for the Maggie May rocker's special day, as the couple were joined by Ronnie Wood and his ...
Legendary Bollywood screenwriter Javed Akhtar celebrated his 80th birthday on Friday. The celebration was attended by his ...
Alia is a perfectionist, and she made sure that her daughter, Raha's second birthday was a beautiful memory to be framed for years. She got a special two-tiered cake with green frosting. Atop it, ...
who shares the same birthday. Salman, dressed in a black shirt and jeans, holds Ayat in his arms as they cut a multi-tiered cake. Family members, including Salma Khan, Helen, Arpita, Aayush ...