Recently, digital creator Shalini Kutty shared her Pilates session on Instagram doing a headstand. She later noticed tiny red dots appearing on her face. She was experiencing petechiae, a common ...
A cosmic object spotted by the James Webb Space Telescope has flummoxed astronomers. Now, a research team has studied ...
Millions of people in the UK suffer from a potentially deadly condition - but hundreds of thousands more do not realise they have it. Latest figures from Diabetes UK show more than 4.4 million ...
If you’re struggling with rough and bumpy skin from keratosis pilaris, you’re not alone: The skin condition affects about 50% to 80% of teenagers and 40% of adults at some point in their ...
Bumps on the scalp can occur with trapped hair follicles or acne, but they can also be an indicator of another health condition. Bumps on your scalp can be a symptom of several different health ...
Both flea and bedbug bites may be a group of small dots on your skin, though bedbug bites tend to be more linear, whereas flea bites tend to be more scattered. If you notice a group of small dots ...
Scabies can lead to secondary skin infections, if not treated. People are being told not to ignore an itchy rash, with GPs in England reporting a spike in scabies - the highly infectious skin ...
Themiya Nanayakkara receives funding from Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship. Ivo Labbe receives funding from Australian Research Council in the form of a Future Fellowship.