referencing WHO noise pollution guidelines. Train horns or hooters creating “excessive noise” have prompted Muizenberg residents to air their complaints on social media, start an online petition and ...
What's even creepier is that a train derailment actually occurred ... Ratner told People that he can no longer watch White Noise due to the traumatizing parallels between what he experienced in real ...
python cifar10 --alg odnl -m wrn --noise_type symmetric --noise_rate 0.4 --exp_name test --gpu 0 --lambda_o 3.0 To evaluate the model on CIFAR-10, run: python cifar10 --method_name ...
NAGOYA--The operator of the Tokaido Shinkansen Line plans to install next-generation, thin solar cells on noise barriers along its tracks. Central Japan Railway Co. (JR Tokai) expects to use ...