The numbers and types of broadleaf weeds found in turfgrass are greatly influenced by management and cultural practices. For example, close mowing and too little nitrogen favor white clover. Close ...
Meanwhile, its weed eliminating capabilities are known as the easiest and fastest in this realm, which is 4x stronger than the traditional table vinegar (5%), and it can kill all types of broadleaf ...
Take a walk around your yard, and look for young weeds. “Ideally, you want to find them before they take off,” says Waltz.
Armezon’s tank mix with glyphosate and atrazine, for use in glyphosate-tolerant corn crops, is to allow growers "an additional mode of action that not only acts as a resistance management tool, but ...
There are no selective herbicides for controlling weeds in grass-legume mixed pastures. Pasture weed control is hard for most horse owners. Many grass pastures in the Midwest contain broadleaf and ...
Bayer CropScience will roll out a new broadleaf/grass herbicide combo, the iPak, for sale at independent retailers in Western Canada during the coming growing season. The company announced Tuesday ...
Broadleaf plantain has been known for ages for its medicinal and edible qualities, but today it is mostly seen as a weed that makes pretty lawns look bad. The most natural option for killing broadleaf ...