Of course, the standard way of controlling CPU fans these days is with PWM, so he built a circuit which essentially converts the PWM signal from the motherboard into a phantom thermistor.
As computing power increases with each new iteration of processors, actual power consumption tends to increase as well. All that waste heat has to go somewhere, and while plenty of us are content ...
Laptops are high-value items, so what do you do when their ageing CPUs don't stand up well against newer competition?
View Deal Recently, over the last few years, with Intel picking up many losses in the CPU division, the divide between ...
The Galaxy Book 5 Pro comes in 14- and 16-inch variants, each with 2880 x 1800 resolution AMOLED screens and a 120Hz refresh ...
The Motherboard is the main printed circuit board in the system, housing the processor and memories and connecting the cooling fan of the laptop. Any damage to the motherboard can have a severe ...