少数個の転移性脳腫瘍に対して積極的な定位照射の適応が増加している。エレクタ社製「Versa HD」では,これに対するソリューションとして“High-Definition Dynamic Radio Surgery(HDRS)”を有する。HDRSでは,強度変調回転放射線治療(VMAT)で定位照射を実施する。
The newly introduced linear accelerator 'Versa HD' can accurately locate the treatment area without marking or tattooing the patient's body, providing excellent convenience for treatment.
The facility features the Elekta Versa HD system for radiation therapy. ‘Porunai Hospitals’, a 200-bed multispeciality facility, has launched in Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India.
The company also began operating a new Versa HD Linear Accelerator at its 85%-owned facility in Puebla, Mexico, which represents another new revenue stream. Growing its O&O or retail footprint is ...
However, Porunai Hospitals' cutting-edge radiation therapy department is what makes it unique. It features the sophisticated Elekta Versa HD system with a Hexapod couch, previously available only at ...
It features the sophisticated Elekta Versa HD system with a Hexapod couch, previously available only at some speciality hospitals in Chennai. This advanced system has now brought state-of-the-art ...