A visual studio extension which enhances syntax highlighting, quick info (tooltip), navigation bar, scrollbar, display quality, and brings smart tool bar with code refactoring to code editor.
Este material cuenta con una serie de temas que profundizan en temas básicos e intermedios acerca de Visual Studio C#. Son 11 módulos los que abarca y que proveen al lector el conocimiento necesario ...
Visual Studio 2022 became generally available back in November 2021, and Microsoft obviously intends to add more features to it past its initial release as well. Today, some of these have arrived ...
If you are getting the error code 0x80240017, Unspecified error when trying to install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package on your Windows 11 or Windows 10 ...
The version management platform GitHub has released Copilot Free for Microsoft's integrated development environment Visual Studio as well as for the free source code editor, Visual Studio Code.