Aangezien op de Pioneer plaquettes enkel de identificatie van de tijd en plaats van herkomst af te lezen is, wou de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA voor de Voyager Golden Records een ...
Voyager 1 and 2 are still hurtling through interstellar space well beyond our solar system after over 47 years and hundreds of millions of miles. While recent equipment issues hint at the historic ...
NASA launched two golden records into space on Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 in 1977 as a way to teach other civilizations about life on Earth if they ever came across the probes. The twin spacecraft ...
The Golden Record on the Voyager spacecraft contains audio of Earth sounds, as well as encoded images. The surface of the record case is engraved with pictograms that describe how to decode these ...
This project belongs to OGWW。 Based on the scan period and waveform example provided on the cover of the Voyager Golden Disc, the image encoded as an audio signal ...
The signal from Voyager 1, travelling at the speed of light ... The Voyagers carry a message for any alien civilisation that might recover them. The Golden Record, a twelve-inch gold-plated copper ...
Volgens de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA heeft de onbemande Voyager 1 ruimtesonde het zonnestelsel verlaten. Na een reis van 36 jaar en meer dan 18 miljard kilometer is Voyager 1 nu het ...
In a thoughtful short, director Nono Anyuso reimagines NASA Voyager's Golden Record into a plea for help. The Golden Record, a 12-inch gold-plated copper disk set about NASA's Voyager in 1977, ...