モーションプラスを使うことで、ただのゲームプレイから一歩進んだインタラクティブな体験が楽しめます。 このように、Wiiモーションプラスは、中古ながらも高い性能と利便性を兼ね備えた商品です。手軽に購入できる価格帯でありながら、その機能性 ...
Long pages are pages with a high amount of content. This listing is sorted by longest page. Some long pages may need to be broken into multiple smaller pages, though not all.
Wiiモーションプラスを付けたままでも利用できる。11月14日に発売する。価格はオープンだが、店頭想定価格は5000円前後となる。 N-WR03Sは、2008年 ...
In a way, the lack of FPS representation on the Wii isn’t surprising, as the more casual-leaning strategy Nintendo adopted ...
Wii Play ultimately went on to sell 28 million copies, outperforming Nintendo's biggest heavy-hitters, including both Mario ...
In court, Nintendo said the technology in iLife's patent was not specific enough to cover the way Nintendo used motion-sensing technology. The row revolves around controllers for both the Wii and ...
Players using the wireless motion-sensitive controller (the Wii Remote, or "Wiimote") play with their whole bodies, waving, swinging, swaying. The mimetic interface shifts attention from what's on the ...