徳島市のふるさと納税では、新たな返礼品として徳島県独自のジビエブランド「阿波地美栄」の認証を受けた高品質な鹿肉製品【AWA WILD MEAT】の ...
有害駆除されたニホンジカの肉を加工販売する石巻市小船越の「丸信ワイルドミート」が13日、市内の水産加工会社と連携し、シカ肉の大和煮缶詰「伊達の黄金鹿」を発売した。駆除されたシカの多くは埋設処理されており、食肉として有効活用して消費 ...
Particularly risky behaviors include poaching, transporting, trading, processing, and eating wild animals. WWF ran a campaign called Zero Wild Meat targeting consumption of wild meat between October ...
In the wee hours of an October morning, dozens of dogs chased the hulking figure of an animal scrambling through a forest in ...
Apart from being the title of the novel, "Wild Meat and the Bully Burgers" is also the title of the eleventh chapter in the book. Here, Lovey describes the wild animals that her father, Hubert, hunts, ...
It suggests that the commercial trade in wild-sourced meat is increasing, and highlights the urgent need for countries to develop robust frameworks to ensure hunting and trade is sustainable in a ...
DOIMUKH, 30 Dec: A team of forest officials from Doimukh range forest on Monday seized wild meat,both dried and fresh, from Midpu in Papum Pare district. Doimukh Range Forest Officer Taje Dupit ...
Grizzlies might soon be delisted from federal protection and hunted in Wyoming, but don’t expect grizzly steaks on the menu ...