Homemade pigs in a blanket can be a little fiddly, so try this easy, delicious, customizable croissant shortcut for your ...
Cheesy tortilla hot dogs? Yum!! Crispy flour tortilla wrapped hot dogs are an easy 15 minute recipe for kids (and adults!).
Well, hot diggity dog — it's a good time to be a local hot dog lover. The chain Dirt Dog recently announced that it will open its first Bakersfield location at the Walmart on Gosford Road in May. With ...
Hotdogs topped with cheddar and sautéed apples, BLT hot dogs, and bacon-wrapped hot dogs with avocado; for these and more ways to dress up your dogs, check out our Food & Wine guide to hotdogs.
The 6-inch hot dog came wrapped in paper, which kept the toasted, slightly sweetened bun nice and warm. Although the menu calls this a "grilled" hot dog, I felt like the meat tasted and looked ...
Chicago is sacred hot dog ground. The "Chicago Dog" is an all-beef frank nestled in a poppy seed bun, topped with mustard, neon-green relish, onions, tomatoes, sport peppers, a pickle spear and a dash ...
In a city chock-full of bacon-wrapped hot dogs — the unofficial street food of the Arizona-Sonora borderlands — Lupita's Hot Dogs is a standout purveyor. The bacon-wrapped dogs are grilled to ...